Mexico: An exceptional destination for new IT businesses.

Mexico: An exceptional destination for new IT businesses.

Technological transformation has become the driving force of progress in multiple sectors, allowing companies to expand their reach internationally and opening up endless opportunities for innovation.

For startups in particular, according to the study “Soft Landing in Latin America” Mexico is the second country in Latin America that offers more opportunities for startups, with a highly developed culture opening its doors so that companies can expand. This is because it is constantly booming, driven by the widespread adoption of technologies such as cloud, artificial intelligence and data analytics, thus consolidating itself as one of the most dynamic markets in Latin America, according to data from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

This technological evolution, combined with its connection to the Latin American market and its strong bilateral relations with other countries, positions Mexico as a destination with exceptional competitive advantages, making it an attractive territory for companies wishing to internationalize their IT services.

Along with these, there are other interesting reasons why selling in Mexico, which we share below:

What are the advantages of selling your services in Mexico?

  1. It has a growing economy: Mexico owns the second largest economy in Latin America, with a GDP of 1.27 trillion in 2023 (Statista)
  2. Mexico has one of the largest populations in Latin America (roughly 126 million people), which means a huge potential market for your services.
  3. Mexico is in a privileged location, allowing you to access other Latin American markets easily.

First steps to internationalize your services in Mexico

  • Analyze your target segment: In what membership groups are they involved? What events bring together the key players in their industries? Plan networking events in advance.

  • Understand the market and its trends: Conduct an in-depth research of the Mexican market to understand the specific needs and preferences of prospects. Business articles, trends, news, regulations, and investments can be an excellent business opportunity.


  • Partnership with local partners: Actively participate in communities and membership groups that bring together the key players of your target audience. This will enhance the possibilities of bonding and building trust.

Also, remember that if you want to start with your internationalization strategy, at MTI Selling we can support you.